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New Year's Eve Customs Around the World: How Different Countries Celebrate
Visted:1604  Author:admin  date:[ 2008/12/31 ]
Many New Year's traditions are similar, but some are different. Here are some interesting customs, past and present, around the world.

Australian: New Year's is celebrated on January 1. This is a public holiday and many people spend it having picnics and camping on the beach. Their parties start on December 31. At mid
night they start to make noise with whistles, rattles, car horns, and church bells to ring in the New Year.

Austria: New Year's Eve is called Sylverterabend, which is the Eve of Saint Sylvester. they make a spiced punch in honor of the saint. Decorations and champagne are part of the celebration. Evil spirits of the old year are chased away by the firing of moroars, called boller. Midnight mass is attended and trumpets are blown from church towers at midnight, when people kiss each other.

Belgian: New Year's Eve is called Sint Sylvester Vooranvond, or Saint Sylvester Eve. People throw parties and at midnight everyone kisses and exchanges good luck greetings. New Year's Day is call Nieuwjaarrsdag. children write letters on decorated paper to their parents and god parents, and read the letter to them.

Great Britain: the custom of first footing is practiced. the first male visitor to the house, after midnight ,is supposed to bring good luck. The man brings a gift like money, bread, or coal, to ensure the family will have plenty of these in the year to come. The first person must not be blond, red-haired, or a women, as these are supposed to be bad luck. In London, crowds gather in Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly circus to hear the chimes of London's big Ben as it announces the arrival of the New Year.

France: The French New Year is Jour des Etrennes, or Day of New Year's Presents. Dinner parties are thrown for the entire family, where presents are exchanged.

Germany: People drop molten lead into cold water to tell the future from the shape it makes. A bit of food eaten on New Year's Eve is left on their plate until after Midnight, as a way on ensuring a well stocked larder in the coming year..
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