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2008 China Leather Fair
Visted:1081  Author:admin  date:[ 2008/11/27 ]

Join us to visit the synthetic leather enterprises in Wenzhou
Time: 9.25    2:30pm
If you want to have a closer link with the suppliers;
If you want to inspect the strength of them;
If you want to watch their production line;
Please join us in the trip. 
We will take you to some most typical synthetic leather enterprises in Wenzhou.

Click here to join us.

Why visit 2008 China Leather Fair?
◇ 13 years' accumulation and waiting ensure us to do better
◇ Strong industrial chain which carry a huge market
◇ Great event in East China about geniune leather and synthetic leather
◇ Global invitation to buyers that promotes maximum profit

Fair General
China is one of the most dynamic and potential markets on leather trading in the world. With the rapid development of leather industry, China is becoming a big leather producer. In 2007, the above scale enterprises (including state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned with the income of over 5 million Yuan) in leather, fur and manufactured goods industry realized a gross industrial output value of 318.5 billion Yuan and the export of leather and footwear products reached a value of 36.42 billion US dollars. During the period of January-May of 2006, above scale enterprises in leather industry gained 102.8 billion Yuan, an increase of 24% compared to the same period last year. Nowadays, the demand for leather and leather products are huge, about 100 million squared meters, which is equal to 300 million pieces of standard cowhide. The output of leather in China accounted for 23.33% of the total world output.

Copyright 2007-2008 Tentsnology Group Co.,Limited . All right reserved.
Tel:+86-13915003054 E-mail:info@tentsnology.com
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